About Author
Mimi Mathis
The young girl in the picture on this page reminds me of me, making up tall tales and telling them to animals on a farm where I lived growing up in Willcox, Arizona. I now live in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I have lived in the same little red brick house on Kings Drive for 55 years.
One year, I found an old rusty, enclosed metal tube under a tree branch in our backyard on Kings Drive. It was about six inches long with weird symbols carved all over it. My husband, Jack, had to use a jigsaw to open it to get to the inside. And I could not believe what was in it! It was a piece of old, stained, tattered paper with gold words painted on it. I’ve made a copy of it for you to read. Hope you like it!
Love, Mimi
P.S. I am a retired registered nurse. I have three sons, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. I love family, animals, music, and writing.